
What Is a Guru?

What Is a Guru?

There is enormous confusion in the West about what a guru is. Most folks think it has something to do with turning your will over to someone else, or someone who dictates every aspect of your life. Of course there are false gurus who are in it for themselves (knowingly or not). But then there are bad doctors, which does not damage the value or efficacy of Western medicine. Bad teachers do not mean education is not worth it. So what, then, is the real value of a rare true Divine Teacher?

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

It’s the time for New Year's Resolutions. You know, those promises we make ourselves that too often don’t make it till Groundhog Day (for those of you unaware of that holiday, it’s February 2nd. Happy Groundhog Day in advance, in case I forget to mention it later. :-) ).

The trouble with failed promises, however, is most often not our lack of will; it is that we have a tendency to pick unrealistic goals.

Say "Yes!" to Life

Say "Yes!" to Life

The phrase "Say yes! to life" is one I try hard to live by. We spend entirely too much time resisting reality, arguing in our heads, resenting circumstances, and wishing things and people were different.

It is not that we should passively accept everything that happens. We should most assuredly not! I am speaking about what happens in our hearts.



We recently shared some thoughts on how to face tests. We all know a positive attitude about them is a good idea, but hopefully that letter took the idea a little deeper. I believe it's time to write more about "gratitude." (C'mon... Thanksgiving wasn't that long ago!)

What More Do We Want?

What More Do We Want?

As I have written before, the major human delusion and desire is to find peace and happiness by getting everything just right—and then freezing things so they do not change. We imagine that if we just try hard enough we can somehow enter that Promised Land. If that is your plan I’m afraid I have some bad news...

East West Humor

East West Humor

Wow. What a spate of not-the-most-comforting news these days. Ukraine? Israel? Political strife? Recession fears? Martians attack New York City? (O.K.—maybe I made that one up…) Time for a little levity. Here are some of my favorite cute stories from East West. A smile on the face is often a cure for what ails you…

The Value of Satsang

The Value of Satsang

Many have perhaps heard the term satsang. It is Sanskrit and means "collection of truth seekers." There is something called the Three Pillars of Buddhism: The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. The Buddha is the perfect example for each of us. The Dharma is essentially the teachings. The Sangha/Satsang is the collection of truth-seekers. Why are gatherings of devotees so important as to be central to Buddhist teachings?

What is the True Purpose of Prayer?

What is the True Purpose of Prayer?

Most spiritual traditions make it quite clear that Spirit/God/The Divine knows better than we do what is best for us. That is why it pays to ask for Divine Guidance. But if that is the case, why bother to pray? Are we letting Spirit know something that is not already known? And if not, what’s the point of the attempted communication? Maybe we think Spirit might be having a memory lapse, so we are helping out? (I think that’s mostly me these days, actually…)