Used book donations Top

324 Castro Street in downtown Mountain View CA • (650) 988-9800 • Enjoy outdoor dining on pedestrian-friendly Castro Street (car-free!) • Loads of free parking

Donate your gently used books

Pass your gently used books on to us, so someone can enjoy them as you once did. A lovely way to pay it forward. :)

We accept bags, boxes, or even just a single book on any of the topics offered in the store (spirituality, consciousness, healing, yoga, meditation, crystals, sacred art, self-help, etc).

You may leave used books with our front desk staff any time. If you have an especially large collection, contact us to see if we can help arrange a pick-up.


Browse our Specially priced books: All $5

Whether you can donate or not, enjoy our used books section. It’s in the back of the store, and every used book is only $5 each. The section is restocked often each week with newly donated items. We offer mostly books, but we also have a very nice collection of quality CDs and DVDs.