
Self esteem

Self esteem

Dear friends,

There is much talk these days about self-esteem. While there are those who arguably have too much (!), the more usual problem is with those who constantly run themselves down in their own minds.

The cure for that is self-honesty. If you are reading this letter you are very likely striving to be a better person. Great—and the planet thanks you! But that being the case, we often measure ourselves against too high a standard. We see every little flaw of ours and make that our reality. “I try, but…” "I used to meditate but now…” "I find I have more stress than when I was younger…” “If only I had not done that…” Etc.

The Sanskrit word for the chief delusion of this planet is maya. It also happens to be the Sanskrit word for “measure.” Interesting. We are always comparing ourselves to others, to how we used to be, or perhaps to our image of how we are supposed to be.

In all human endeavors the goal is directional improvement. As a life-long disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda’s, my goal is perfection. But I… ahem… am not there yet. A friend of mine wears a t-shirt with a great slogan on it: “Saint in progress.”

The cure for low self-esteem is self-honesty. Yogananda defined humility as self-honesty. We are all works in progress. I suspect everyone you know and even those you most admire have further to go. So?! Yogananda’s teacher said, "All things will improve if we make right effort now.” How true. And how comforting. And how eye-on-the-ball.

Let us measure a little less, be kind to ourselves, and make an effort to improve those areas where we feel we fall short. There is nothing more one can do, and honest, kind effort is the most pleasing to Spirit.

David G, manager
For the gang at East West