
Keeping the heart open

Keeping the heart open

Dear friends,

There are a beautiful few lines in the spiritual ceremony I participate in each Sunday:

With all my mind, With all my heart, With all my soul
I choose Thy love, I choose only Thee

Poetic and beautiful, but I’d like to go deeper into the meaning this week.

It is entirely natural to have our hearts pulled in many ways. Of course and obviously, we want our loved ones to be safe and secure. We want our own lives to be fulfilling and rewarding. We want our lovely Planet Earth to be cared for. We want…

There is nothing wrong with these things. But what then happens when someone interferes with one of them? When someone does harm to a loved one? When someone lies about you to others in a most unflattering way? Our hearts contract, and at the worst are filled with anger or even hatred.

When what has come is especially painful, it is hard—if not overwhelmingly difficult—to feel that it serves any purpose other than to bedevil us. Love drives out such negative feelings. “I choose Thy love… above all else.”

My teacher once said something that has stuck with me. With a slight smile on his face he said, “I love, and in part it’s selfish. I feel so much better when I love.” Interesting.

It is not easy. In some circumstances it feels darn near impossible. Do not focus on the areas where it is too hard, lest you get discouraged or conclude it cannot be done. We can all, however, take small steps forward. Focus on the areas where it’s a little hard but not tremendously difficult to replace a negative emotion with love. This is a good strategy for any change we want to make in our lives, but especially in extending love to all.

May we each work towards expanding and opening the heart in all circumstances and at all times. But may we remember that a journey of a thousand miles starts with but a single step. Starting that journey is the highest service to others—and ultimately, to ourselves.

David G, manager
For the gang at East West