
The value of travel

The Value of Travel

Dear friends,

I just got back from Italy Monday night. Several things occurred to me in relation to that trip…

We have a natural tendency to go on automatic pilot when in familiar surroundings. Yogananda suggested doing things in a new way each day. It can even be as trivial as brushing your teeth with your other hand. We want to be conscious and in-the-present at every moment, so hopefully we can do better than going subconscious or unconscious as we move through our day.

I have lived in Italy, once for 3 months, and once for 18 months, so it is not entirely new to me. On the other hand, it is far from routine. I found traveling through the country as we did (Rome, Assisi, Capri, and a bit more) keeps one on one’s toes.

One also gets to see that people are, in essence, the same everywhere. The same hopes, dreams, and fears. The same need for love, respect, and kindness. And of course clinging to many of the same foibles and sillinesses. This, I find, increases one’s sense of empathy and unity with the rest of our human family. The Dalai Lama suggested we go someplace new once a year for this reason.

It also gives me an appreciation of what I have here at home. I find when I travel that it is great to be away, and then great to come home as well. I see my home and my daily routines through new eyes. I suspect it’s a little like having a child. Having a child enables the adult to see the world through a child’s eyes. Coming home, I get to see my world through slightly new eyes, and to appreciate the things I missed while away.

May we each see the world with new eyes as much as possible, whether halfway around the world, or across the street.

David G, manager
For the gang at East West