
The power of an open mind

The Power of an Open Mind

Dear friends,

I had an interesting conversation with a customer at East West. He said he was an atheist. After a brief chat I said: “Every scientist knows that the model of the atom that is used in physics is inaccurate. One could pick at the inaccuracies forever. However, if one relaxes a bit and embraces what it does explain, the scientist can grasp new ideas and concepts he would not be able to grasp otherwise. Using the model, with all its flaws, is of great benefit to physics. 'God' is simply a model for something equally beyond our grasp. If, however, we relax and use the model carefully and intelligently, all sorts of doors to understanding open up. Further, the inaccuracies are due to the limitations of one’s own mind, which is not able to grasp the total reality, so the model 'God' enables us to move forward even given that personal limitation of ours.”

This all was very interesting to him and I could see he had been given something to think about.

The term “God” has quite a lot of baggage attached to it. Many picture a bearded judgmental father figure on a throne spending his day smiting people and meting out punishments of various kinds, or scowling and frowning with displeasure at behaviors here on Earth. Or perhaps, if we are lucky, rewarding good behavior with an occasional blessing.

Too, religions have been built up around such images, and those religions are thus equally judgmental, hierarchical, and rule-bound.

We are here to learn what we need to learn to find the peace and unity we all desire in our hearts. We project our own insecurities, pettiness, judgmentalism, and anger onto God. No wonder many flee such a tyrant! As it turned out, I also did not believe in the God that athiests did not believe in.

There is a greater intelligence at work than we know. May we each accept the limitations of our understanding, and strive to open our hearts and minds so that we are more receptive to new and deeper understandings each and every day.

David G, manager
For the gang at East West