
Life is the Only Game Where the Goal is Learning the Rules

Life is the Only Game Where the Goal is Learning the Rules

Dear friends,

“Life is the only game where the goal is learning the rules.”
—Ashleigh Brilliant

The above quote caught my attention this past week. I know I have touched on this topic before, but it feels too important to pass up now that the idea has crossed my path again.

We are here to learn our lessons. We all have an innate desire to merge with Spirit; feel complete; lose the sense of isolation and loneliness that we all feel deep down somewhere; experience ever new Joy, peace, and deep contentment.

That can only be done by setting aside our ego and our own likes and dislikes. But like the chick breaking out of its egg, we must fight our way through the challenges of life to develop the strength finally to let go.

The ultimate delusion of this world is that we need things to be a certain way for us to be happy. A better job, a better spouse, more money, more respect, better health… whatever it happens to be. Many times we are so scarred by the past (in this or a previous life) that this is a message we cannot really hear.

The point is not to assign blame for the many times we fall short of this goal. This world is a school, after all. It is not a “failure” to have a wrong answer on your math test. In fact, we learn best that way. Wouldn’t we think it a bit silly for a 5th grader to become distraught that he missed a question? Or hide an incorrect answer from the teacher? But we do this in our minds and hearts every day. We cannot hide the truth from Spirit. We merely attempt to hide it from ourselves and others.

We cannot learn the rules if we deny inwardly that we have broken one of them. The rules and pains we experience are to help us get to soul freedom. It’s a good thing that touching a hot stove hurts!

May we have the courage and strength to face our tests with open minds and hearts, and to draw whatever lessons we can from them.

David G., manager
For the Gang at East West