
God's Kitten

God's Kitten

Dear friends,

One of India's great lights was named Lahiri Mahasaya. There was another great soul in India named Trailanga Swami. Trailanga referred to Lahiri as "God's kitten."

Trailanga's disciples naturally asked him what he meant by that. He explained that a kitten is picked up by the scruff of the neck by its mother and instantly and completely relaxes. The kitten totally trusts the mother and knows it will be taken to wherever is best.

So too was Lahiri's relationship with Spirit. He had no personal desires left and lived only to manifest and cooperate with whatever God willed. Completely and without hesitation.

I have always been deeply touched by this concept. I can so often see that my desires and subconscious impulses are at odds with the Highest Good. It is said that countless blessings are not manifested on Earth for want of a willing channel.

May we each become like that kitten: trusting in Divine Mother to care for us as appropriate. And may we become even more than that kitten, and work actively and consciously to remove all impediments that hinder us from cooperating joyfully and willingly with Divine Will.

David G., manager
For the staff at East West