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Explore the underlying principles of Yoga and the 12 Steps and learn how these can be woven together to support a rich and nourishing spiritual life. A combination of lecture, group discussion, and silent reflection, this class will provide practical tools for building a daily sadhana (spiritual practice) in your personal life.
Instructors: Vivekadevi Noh-Kuhn (RYT 500) and Yudhisthira Andrews (E-RYT 500), Co-directors of the Ananda Bay Area School of Yoga and Meditation in Palo Alto and Scotts Valley. Learn more.
Vivekadevi’s warm and engaging teaching style allows students to relax and dive deeply into the essence of yoga and meditation, and absorb the benefits of these powerful practices. She teaches weekly classes on yoga, meditation and the spiritual life and offers private sessions for individual support.
Yudhishthira’s classes are popular, interweaving the physical practice of Hatha Yoga with the timeless teachings of Raja Yoga. He teaches at a residential drug and alcohol recovery center in Scotts Valley. His private teaching includes a weekly class for developmentally disabled young adults and their families and caregivers.