noon-3 PST — 3-6 EST
$25 thru April 24, $35 day of
This is a health-boosting, anti-aging workshop with Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, which will provide a complete roadmap for a long and vibrant life. For both novices or seasoned practitioners.
Dr. T will speak about undegeneration, regeneration, skin integrity, appearance, intervention for optimisation, and individualized epigenetic intervention.
He also will address the corona virus and provide information to help bring us beyond fear and anxiety.
Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (“Dr. T”) MD, LN, CCN, DABFM, DACBN educates medical professionals and the public world-wide about Nutritional, Environmental, & Functional Medicine. Dr. T is founder & president of Ecopolitan, sharing new scientific knowledge & technologies to empower people to prevent & reverse disease. With 30 years of holistic skin lesion treatment, he has trained many physicians to use his skin improvement methods. Learn more.
Sign up early; enrollment will be closed 1 hour before the start of the program.