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The Spiritual Challenge in Relationship

  • Ananda Temple 2171 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA 94306 United States (map)

$35 today; purchase tickets at the door when you arrive tonight
Seats are still available, but this event is filling fast.

Location: Ananda Temple, 2171 El Camino, Palo Alto • Directions
Street parking nearby, and free city parking a block away on Cambridge

Note: we normally sell tickets online, but we are heading out soon to set up at this outside venue, and all the will-call tickets are coming with us. We don’t want to miss an online purchase today in the transition, which is why you can’t purchase online now. Plan on coming early and purchasing at the door.

Relationships are both a joyous opportunity and a testing ground for the deepest realization of who we are in truth. Our core challenge lies in recognizing we are not separate from those we are in relationship with—whether parent or child, sibling or friend, teacher, student, intimate partner, or even enemy.

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On this special evening, Gangaji will guide us in discovering that whatever arises in relationship is an opportunity for deeper self-recognition.

Gangaji offers ordinary people leading ordinary lives the invitation to recognize the absolute freedom and peace that is the truth of one’s being. As a teacher and author, she travels the world speaking to people and sharing her direct experience of the essential message she received from her teacher, Papaji. Her books include The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance; Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story; Freedom & Resolve: Finding Your True Home In The Universe and You Are THAT!

“Finally you have to recognize that it is yourself you are in relationship with. Who you are is the living intelligence of love that transcends any notion of relationship to other, and includes all aspects of yourself.”