Learn how to accurately see, hear, and sense angel messages for yourself and others. Discover proven techniques used by masters of mediumship to receive specific details such as full names, dates, places and events known only to the recipient. Learn how to separate your own thoughts from accurate information coming through, and prevent distortion and embellishment from taking place.
Stephen Hermann is author of the bestselling Mediumship Mastery: The Mechanics of Receiving Spirit Communications: The Ultimate Guide. He has more than forty years of study and practice, and has trained over 10,000 people in these skills.
Topics to be explored include: distinguishing your own thoughts from genuine psychic impressions, correct interpretation of symbolic clairvoyance, connecting with helpers and guides, psychic protection methods that work, and much more. Through lecture and discussion, powerful meditations and practical experimental exercises participants will learn how to effectively channel messages from the world of spirit.