Magic is the creative force that urges you into wondrous relationship with others and the natural world. It is a source of spiritual power that inspires passion and helps us feel more connected. No matter what your spiritual background may be, you can learn to work with magic in very practical ways. Astrologer, psychic medium, and author Rachel Lang will explain how to work with magic in your everyday life, and then, she’ll lead you through an intention-setting ritual during which you’ll make a talisman to carry with you. Be uplifted in a sacred circle, and access more of your power to shape your life.
Rachel Lang is an astrologer, psychic medium, and author of Modern Day Magic: 8 Simple Rules to Realize Your Power and Shape Your Life. She teaches classes and writes horoscopes for the Omega Institute and Conscious Living. Rachel is on the board of NCGR and the VP of the Los Angeles chapter. Learn more.
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