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Are you overly sensitive to negative vibrations? Do toxic relationships drain your energy? Dr. Susan Shumsky will help you defeat energy-drain syndrome by using potent and dynamic methods to get centered and integrated and never be subject to energy vampirism again. Verbalize vitality-infusing power-statements, practice self-empowering guided meditative techniques, and use powerful energy-medicine movements.
Dr. Susan Shumsky is dedicated to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. A best-selling author of 19 books in English and 36 in foreign editions, she has won 40 prestigious book awards. For two decades, she studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles. She served on Maharishi's personal staff for six years. She is a pioneer in the human potential field and has taught meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition to thousands worldwide. Dr. Shumsky founded Divine Revelation®, a technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. She has made over 700 personal appearances and 1200 media appearances. Learn more.