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Research shows that drawing and writing about stress and trauma actually strengthens the immune system. Dr. Lucia Capacchione will guide you through simple writing and drawing prompts for liberating your inner child. Learn techniques for allowing free expression of feelings, wishes, and dreams. In a safe, nonjudgmental atmosphere, you will play with colors, unlock emotions stored in the body, and discover inner wisdom and guidance. Dr. Capacchione will share her breakthrough method of drawing and writing with both hands for opening up the visual and intuitive centers of the right brain. Join her for a re-creative retreat.
Recommended Supplies:
Drawing Your Stress Away and Hello, This is Your Body Talking (Ohio U/Swallow Press, 2017); available at the link below
Or 8 ½ X 11 in. white bond paper, unlined journal or sketch pad
Colored markers (wide and fine point)
Crayons (optional).
Lucia Capacchione, Phd, ATR, REAT, is an art therapist, expressive arts therapist, and director of Creative Journal Expressive Arts Training Program for professionals. Her bestselling books include The Power of Your Other Hand, The Creative Journal, and Recovery of Your Inner Child. She has consulted for Walt Disney Imagineering, Hallmark, and Mattel. Learn more.
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