Chakras are energy centers that are enlivened by chi, the life force. To maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit, it is important to raise your energy frequencies. The etheric (spirit) chakra centers connect with the physical body’s nervous system. Spiritual intuitive, author, and coach, Sharon Caren, will discuss chakras, energy frequencies, and tools to raise your vibrations. This creates better health, peace, balance, and harmony. Sharon will demonstrate the use of affirmations for each of the seven chakras. You’ll work with a deeper connection to your infinite nature to step into your power and purpose.
As a spiritual intuitive, speaker and transformational coach, Sharon’s expertise is in serving her clients’ connection with the infinite. She works with both individuals and organizations to find a deeper connection to their soul’s purpose. After Sharon's lifetime of knowledge, healing, and personal awakening, she provides classes, speaking engagements, spiritual coaching, and personal readings/healings. She teaches a complete training certification in the Akashic system to empower others to assist the evolution of humanity and the planet. Learn more.
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