Renee and Anthony share ancient spiritual wisdom with new developments in science. They are channelers of esoteric teachings from a collective group of ascended masters, including the energies of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, who focus on the importance of balancing the masculine and feminine in order to live in harmony, with grace and ease. They will discuss the energy body and how it relates to the soul, the chakras and the biofield, and why better understanding it can transform our well-being, our relationships and more. The second part of the session will involve full-embodied channeling where you’ll have an opportunity to engage and ask your most pressing questions about consciousness, the connection between science and spirituality, the energy body, the biofield and our health.
All attendees will receive a free copy of the e-book “Your Soul Speaks!”.
Modern mystics, channelers and healers, Renee and Anthony are the voices behind Blue Soul Earth®, which is focused on igniting global consciousness by bridging the worlds of science and spirituality. They help others transform from within by tapping into their own innate wisdom and the teachings of universal consciousness and heart-centered living. Together, they channel the ascended masters and other energies from beyond this dimension and act as vessels for both healing and teaching profound esoteric wisdom. Through their Study with Spirit® courses, workshops, and retreat experiences, their intention is to help others reach an expanded level of consciousness and to become their own ascended master. Learn more here or here. You can also subscribe to their podcast here.
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