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Past Life Readings with Donna Hartley

  • East West Bookshop 324 Castro Street Mountain View, CA, 94041 United States (map)

$130/60min • call for appointment: (650) 988-9800

Donna Hartley has been able to see past lives since she was six years old. During a one hour reading, she will share revelations into four of your past lifetimes, including the gift you brought into this lifetime, and unfinished lessons you have left to complete. She uses clairvoyance, sensory input, and auditory techniques while tapping into your past lives through the Akashic Records. This session can be extremely insightful to understand yourself and your life’s purpose. You are permitted to record this session.

Donna has been featured on PBS, NBC, ABC, and in The New York Times, and is author of Fire Up Your Life, Fire Up Your Intuition, and Fire Up Your Healing. Learn more.

Earlier Event: January 25
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Later Event: January 26
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