
Jack ji & Good Vibrations®
Destiny Shaman®️ • Body, Mind, & Spiritual Support

Tuesdays: 11am-4pm
Fridays: 11am-4pm
and 7 days a week by appointment
Sound Bath: Fridays only

$120/30min • $180/60min • $288/90 min
Aura photograph and report $80
Frequency Scan: $75
Light therapy: $70


or call me at (510) 846-7774

Body: Firefly Light Therapy  

We are beings of light. I use light therapy to change the environment of the cells, so the body can more effectively restore itself. This modality is called Firefly Light Therapy™️. (learn more in the video below)

As a Certified Light Therapist (EMT & CLT), I use Rife Frequency technology to send a tone through your body. I help to identify those specific frequencies that correspond to unique pathogens and parasites that may be present in your microbiome (gut bacteria). High-intensity multi-spectral LED lights then modulate to those specific frequencies, helping to target those pathogens and parasites.  

“I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in September of 2021. Since I started my recent Firefly treatments, my energy after the treatment has been back to what it was before my diagnosis. I normally wake up every two hours all night long, but after Firefly, I sleep up to 5 hours.  My brain fog seems better and my hair is even thicker. I highly recommend this!”  
—Dianne Deering, Mountain View  

Spiritual: Soul Purpose

Learn your soul’s purpose & deepen your self-understanding. What are your life lessons? Identify your most powerful opportunities as well as your hidden talents. A Destiny Card Reading provides this information.


Learn how to quiet your mind and connect to your angels & guides. I lead you through a guided meditation with a crystal singing bowl sound bath, with solfeggio frequencies filling the room. Have your aura photographed and receive a full report.


What is Firefly Light Therapy?

A testimonial about Firefly Light Therapy



I have tried nearly every remedy under the sun for over two years to treat my environmental, biotoxin illness. I experienced very powerful and rapid results. I am so thankful for Jack for being a caring, wizard alchemy healer, and for bringing forth this amazing, game-changing tool (Firefly) to our holistic, natural health community. Frequency medicine is the wave of the future of healthcare.”
–Ivy L, multimedia artist/designer

“It was a life changing experience with Jack ji. He helped me through a very difficult time, and I am forever grateful for his help.”
—Amy B. Oakdale, CA

“Jack ji’s predictions were totally amazing and accurate. He said my work situation would change and the very next day it did!”
—Dr. Harun E., Oakland, CA

“Jack ji gave me direction for my life. I am forever grateful for his help and accurate predictions. He truly helped me to understand myself like no one else could. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
—Parmesh S., Coimbatore, India

“I went to Jack Ji for a Firefly Light Treatment as I have had IBS for many years. In a handful of ten minute sessions, he scanned my abdomen to measure pathogens and then directed the appropriate light frequencies. The treatments are always relaxing and comfortable. My distressing symptoms have almost completely disappeared so I feel relieved, grateful, and on a path toward better health than ever before.”
—Donna D., Mountain View

Jack shares how he uses a deck of cards for your reading

Four Seasons
Four Suits
13 weeks a season
13 cards in a suit
4 x 13 = 52 weeks in a year

Adding all the pips on the cards with the Jack as 11, the Queens as 12 and the Kings as 13 = 364

Adding everything up including the Joker, you get 365 1/4, which is the exact amount of time it takes the Earth to travel around the Sun in a full year.

Turns out the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

I predicted the winning presidential ticket in late June, 2020. I also predicted that Tom Brady would make history winning his 7th Super Bowl, noting it was a pinnacle year for him.


Jack ji does a live Destiny Card reading with Ashley


How I discovered My spiritual gifts

Jack ji aura photo.jpeg

It was November of 2012 when I found myself working for Southwest Airlines in my seventeenth year. I also volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House (the national charity for Southwest) at Stanford Hospital. I always enjoyed serving dinner to the kids and families just before Thanksgiving. My managers were consuming alcohol in the parking lot next to the grill. I probably shouldn’t have joined them, but I did. I should have taken an Uber or Lyft home, but I didn’t. So I was driving to my parents home feeling no pain. I stopped at an intersection with two cars in front of me when I heard a voice inside my head saying, “MOVE TO THE RIGHT”.  I thought to myself, move to the right? What is that? I looked back down to my phone and nine seconds later I was hit from behind at 40 mph, totaling my car. It felt as if a knife had been put into my back. 

The next month I felt a need to go to a place that I had never been before: Sedona, Arizona. I had never before participated in a meditation practice, but felt compelled to give it a try. I did so on the winter solstice (also the end of the long count of the Mayan Calendar). I was in the perfect spot if the world was coming to an end, with a front row seat. Needless to say I had an amazing experience at sunrise. I captured the moment with Kirlian photography. It was a unique moment in my awakening.

I asked why there was no aura to the left. They answered, “Did you just start meditation?” I said, “Yes, just now at sunrise.” I was told the left represented my connection to Spirit and source. I had none prior to this day. That photo had truly captured my spiritual awakening. It became clear to me that my life path was changing to a path of spirituality. My job at Southwest was filled with stress and responsibility for supervising the operations at San Francisco International Airport.  

I recovered in London where my friend treated me to my first experience with a psychic. Her name was Betty Palco, an old Irish lady that used Tarot and Oracle cards for my reading. She told me in her heavy Irish accent, “I can see you are surrounded by angels and are very well protected. I see you are a very spiritual man with many gifts. You’re at a crossroads of sort where you are expecting changes in your life.” 

It was a truly amazing experience of how accurate she was on every point. She pointed out everything going on in my life without knowing me at all. She told me to not resist, but to embrace the change. 

I returned home and found myself at a stoplight, waiting to make a left hand turn onto the freeway with my two daughters in the car. Again, I heard the words, “MOVE TO THE RIGHT.” I did this time. Nine seconds later, a car from the opposite direction flipped over the center meridian and landed upside down right where we had been! I knew then something was up and I had been given a gift of intuition. I knew then that alcohol was a disconnect from spirituality. I wanted to understand more about my gifts when I received a book called Love Cards by Robert Lee Camp.  I learned that the 52 cards of a deck were actually ancient sacred symbols representing the influences of our calendar and personal cycles of time. 

My Birth Card is the A♣️ - The Desire for Knowledge Card, which is so spot on. My Planetary Ruling Card (much like one’s ascendant) is the Q♣️ - The Mother of Intuition Card, (with the gifts of Mother Mary) the most intuitive and blessed spiritual card. This explained the voices that were trying to keep me safe.

I remembered a near death experience years back, when I was guiding a raft down the South Fork of the American River. My boat had flipped and I was swimming through a rapid. I was being pulled down underneath an overturned tree stump when I heard a voice telling me, “CLIMB UP.” I did this immediately.  

My whole life had been protected as I look back. A true gift and blessing. So I retired from Southwest Airlines with lifetime flight benefits to begin my spiritual Journey.

I increased my meditations to include Hindu mantras and reading the Vedas — always listening to my gut feelings. I knew that if I wanted to help people, I needed to learn astrology. My guides were telling me the most important part of a ibrth chart was the position of the north node and Rahu to understand one’s purpose/dharma. So I started to learn the basics of western astrology. Following my guides, I purchased an aura machine, Kepler astrology software, and crystal singing bowls. A Virgo north node in western astrology has the gifts of Mother Mary as a self-evoking healer —blessed to have a life force inside them that can be given to anyone at anytime. This made sense to me, as I originally wanted to be a paramedic and had actually saved several employees at SFO that had no pulse and weren’t breathing.

The dots were starting to connect.  My guides had me working with my Dad, a retired NASA engineer, to create an algorithm to seek out romantic and profitable relationships. Our patent-pending application uses two of three modalities to identify mutual loving and profitable relationships. The third modality will is Vedic Astrology. This process combines divination, numerology, and astrology to create a Spiritual DNA Chart™ for users.  My visions are clear that this brings more love into the world and creates a spiritual network that will be bigger than Facebook. My guides told me to file for the name Good Vibrations®; for which I have been blessed to receive a registered trademark.
